If you are like me, you are constantly surrounded by wireless signals. Since I work in radio, I may be near more equipment than most. We have Wifi in our homes and workplaces, and are the first generation to have so many signals constantly traveling in our personal space. I have wondered if these signals may have negative consequences on our health.

I was recently introduced to the idea of electromagnetic frequency mitigating devices (EMF). These simple devices can be worn as necklaces and also can be put on phones, laptops and tablets. Since I have often wondered what consequences new technologies like microwaves, cell phones and wireless signals could have on us, I decided to give an one of these a try.

Gauging the success of such a device is difficult. Even with tests from physicians, as in the video above, provable conclusions are difficult to draw. I will speak to my experience since I have been wearing the Q-Link SRT 3 Acrylic Pendant.

I first put it on in October 2011. I wore it pretty much non-stop, and then in November decided to take it off for a week, to see if anything happened. That week I became very ill with a stomach bug. I was down for three days. I am just reporting what happened. I stopped wearing the pendant on Monday (the week of Thanksgiving). On Wednesday I became very ill. I couldn't eat the Thanksgiving turkey until Sunday.

That is a 100% true story. Since then, I have gone a few days without my Pendant and I do find myself to be more irritable when I do not have it on.

Could this be a placebo affect? Certainly. Could my sickness in November have been contracted from someone I came in contact with and be completely coincidental to taking off my pendant? Absolutely.

I guess the conclusion I am drawing from this whole experience is that these EMF mitigating devices are out there, and may be worth a look. Hey, even if it is a placebo affect, if it makes me feel better, then in my mind, it is working.


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