Education is good. Knowledge is good. Experience is good. Planning is good. A mentor is good. Street smarts are good. Advice is good. Common sense is good. Research is good. And yes, (drum roll) sometimes ignorance is bliss. Ok, maybe not ignorance…but faith, intuition, gut, or feeling.

Sometimes we can over-think ourselves right out of a great idea. Sometimes knowing everything there is to know about something can be the very reason not to try something, but reason may not always be the best, well, reason.

Every now and then try something just because. Go with your gut. Be foolish. Let the world laugh at you. Don’t care. Discover something that you would never have discovered if it had to make sense before you decided to do it. Listen to your heart. Be free.

(If it makes you feel any better, the world is laughing at you anyway. That’s what the world does.)

Happy New Year!

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