A payment on a new car, home renovations, or an awesome vacation. All things we’d love to do with a little extra cash, right? Starting Monday, November 3, TRI-102.5 has a chance for you to win $1,000 during Workday Payday (which could help fund that growing to-do list — or get you away from it for a while). All of November, we’ll be giving you a Workday Payday cue-to-call twice a day, between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. during the workweek. If you are the 25th caller at 1-877-854-WINS (1-877-854-9467), the cash is yours!

In addition, this Friday (Oct. 31) just got a little better, because starting this weekend, we also have a chance for you to win $10,000 right here on TRI1025.com with The Boss’ Bonus (meaning that to-do list just became a who-can-we-hire-to-do-this? list).

Get your coworkers, gather around the water cooler, and tune into TRI-102.5...and make sure you're a member of our online VIP Club, the @Work Network, for your chance to win even more!

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