Imagine if there was a tea that could help you lose weight, provide you with vitamins A, C & E, lower blood pressure and even fight cancer? If you believe enthusiasts of parsley tea, including myself, that tea exists.

Parsley tea has become a regular part of my day and something refreshing I now look forward to. I was skeptical, thinking only of parsley as the garnish people left on the empty plate of food. Turns out, it is full of awesomeness and everytime I drink it, I feel refreshed and better internally. As part of my weekly video series on our TRI-102.5 YouTube channel I showed you how to make it.

Benefits of Parsley Tea
• This tea may help with the treatment of arthritis.

• It is rich in vitamins A, C and E and minerals, acting as an antioxidant.

• Acts as a diuretic, fighting water retention.

• This tea flushes out toxins in your body, cleansing and purifying the blood.

• Parsley tea may help reduce cholesterol and to lower blood pressure.

• It is great as a cure for cellulite and as a weight loss tea.

• It can help with irregular and painful menstruation.

• As a digestive aid, parsley tea treats flatulence and helps to eliminate bad breath.

• And it is said to inhibit cancerous tumor growth

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