I've always loved the idea of being able to look into the past.  Old photos and grainy videos are always a good place to start; but by far my favorite links to yesteryear are time capsules.  And I just found out that not only does Fort Collins have a time capsule, but also that it was just opened!

According to the Coloradoan, in 1907 members of the YMCA used a time capsule as the cornerstone of their building at 140 Oak Street.  The capsule was forgotten when the YMCA became the Elk's building in the mid-20th century.  It was re-discovered when the building was recently torn down.

Opened on Jan, 11th at the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery (LOVE that place), the small metal box contained old newspaper clippings, letters, and business cards, among other things.

The headline from the Morning Democrat announced all the businesses that were closing for the laying of the YMCA cornerstone. The Evening Courier advertised women’s skirts on sale for $2.44. A letter dated June 5, 1907, was still sealed, providing “a mystery within a mystery,” (museum Executive Director Cheryl) Donaldson said.

“There was a lot more information in there than I thought there would be,” (Downtown Development Authority project manager Todd) Dangerfield said. “No wonder it was so heavy. I liked the set of post cards — they are snapshots of time and a window into the past.”

The capsule's contents are in the archives at the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, and are open to the public daily, 10am to 5pm.  I think I'll head over there and have a look this weekend!

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