Last December I was pleased to tell you that the FCC had passed a law that within 12 months, TV stations would be required to monitor and regulate the volume level of everything they air. Meaning commercials couldn't be louder the the TV shows you're watching. Well, those 12 months are up and starting today the volume limiting law goes into effect.

Thursday at midnight mandating that the volume of commercials has to be within a range of 2 decibels more or less than the programming around them.

The move was spurred after Congress passed the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act (The CALM Act).

Apparently loud commercials were biggest source of television complaints since the FCC started keeping track. They also encourage viewers to report stations or commercials that do not comply with the law. You can file a complaint online at, or by calling 1-888-TELL-FCC (1-888-225-5322).

After tonight, those extra loud commercials aren't just annoying, they're against the law.

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