Snow hit the Colorado Rockies last night, bringing credence to the fact that the best snow months of the year are here. I've ridden the lift with many people so far this year, and everyone has been eager to take part in that big old powder day. Steamboat seemed to get the most last night, boasting snow totals of 7 inches. Ah, 7 inches. How do I love thee? Let me count....

Interesting to note that there are times when the official resort website says that they received more snow than my favorite list website

What does this say? Could the resorts be stretching it in hopes of convincing early morning decision makers to point the vehicle their way? Maybe. Snow measurement for totals for the online reports is hardly an exact science. I mean, where do they measure? There is almost always more at the top of the mountain that at the base.

Either way, if says a resort received 4 inches and you can't find spots where you are knee deep, you aren't looking hard enough. Get up there, America...February is here!

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