The City of Fort Collins has a taken a true interest in the energy efficiency of both businesses and citizens. The City is offering energy audits for the ridiculously low price of $60, and these can give a strong baseline indication of our consumption and potential waste of energy.

Information on the audits can be found on the City of Fort Collins Utilities webpage.

We had one of these audits on our home and found that we can make quite a few improvements on our energy efficiency, which will, in turn, lower our bills in the long run.

Enjoy this audio piece that gives a great idea of what it is like to have an audit done on your home. It contains audio from the actual audit and from an interview with John Phelan, Energy Services Manager for the City of Fort Collins Utilities. He explains how

We try to help customers understand the next steps to make their home more efficient, be more comfortable and save some money on their utility bill. The best first step is a comprehensive audit. We've got a great deal on one. It's highly subsidized, but quite comprehensive at the same time.

Audits are contracted to Energy Logic.

Fort Collins Heating and Air is the company that came out and fixed the gas leak problem.

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