Everytime I hear a Phil Collins song (which is often) I can't help but think of this episode of one of my favorite radio shows. In it, Phil Collins reinforces the old KISS acronym. 'Keep-It-Simple-Stupid!'

This American Life is a production of WBEZ in Chicago and is my favorite  programs in the world of radio. Each episode is a look at a slice of the different experiences of life in America.

The production is superb. The storylines are such that I have not heard many episodes that have inspired anything close to a 'meh'.

The episode with Phil Collins was one that actually brought tears to my eyes. It details the strange sensation we sometimes get when, having broken up with someone, or having been broken up with, we seek out songs that make us feel worse, not better. Eventually, the way will be found directly to 'Against All Odds', and we curl into a fetal position, wondering how the feeling will ever go away.

Click over to this episode, put it on your mobile device and take a walk for an hour. I think you'll be very intrigued to hear how real one of the most famous men in the world is, and how much we can all relate to that horrible feeling of heartbreak.

Other favorite episodes from This American Life:

  • NUMMI - Explains in detail the breakdown of the American Auto Industry in 2008 and 2009 with interview with union leaders, members and talks about how Toyota built their success and avoided this collapse
  • Kindness of Strangers - Stories about people who did something nice for, or helped out other folks

Thank you to Ira Glass et al for creating a quality American original!!



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