Let's be honest, solicitors are probably some of the most annoying people in the world. Contrary to popular belief (or wish), though, there is a way to legally solicit people in Northern Colorado.

Each city has its own rules and permits/licenses that need to be obtained in order to become a solicitor.

Solicitors come in all shapes and sizes, fro door-to-door commercial solicitation to non-commercial solicitation religious, political, nonprofit, education, and governmental agendas, and newspaper/magazine subscription sales.

Under the City of Fort Collins' solicitation ordinance effective May 27, 2011, commercial solicitors must first apply for and receive a solicitation permit from the city, and need to provide a list of all solicitors working for their company, hold a Fort Collins sales tax license, and will need to provide a city-issued ID badge to each solicitor.

Commercial solicitors are defined as those who go door-to-door without prior invitation or appointment with the resident for the primary purpose of attempting to sell goods, wares, merchandise, or any services to be performed immediately or in the future (not including newspaper and magazine subscriptions). Commercial solicitors also include those personally delivering flyers advertising a commercial event, activity, good, or service being offered to the resident for purchase or at a location away from the residence.

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Even with a permit, solicitors need to make sure they don't contact anyone on the city's No Solicitation List or residences with a "No Trespassing" or "No Solicitation" sign posted.

Violating the ordinance can result in a fine, jail time, and/or loss of solicitation permit.

Non-commercial solicitors (religious, political, schools, government, etc.) are allowed to go door-to-door without a permit as long as they don't contact a resident whose home has a "No Trespassing" or "No Solicitation" sign posted. For whatever reason, which really makes no sense at all, magazine and newspaper subscription solicitors are considered non-commercial.

The City of Greeley has pretty similar rules - you must obey "No Trespassing" or "No Solicitation" signs, and violation of their code comes with consequences. A license, sales tax permit, and other requirements are also set.

If you want to become a solicitor in the City of Loveland, however...good luck.

Loveland has their stuff together when it comes to protecting its residents from nuisance businesses (author's opinion). All solicitors are banned from the City of Loveland, unless they have been granted permission by the City Council to solicit (see Chapter 5.12 of Loveland's Title 5 Business Licenses and Regulations).

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