We usually only think about December 31st being the last day of the year, which means New Year's Eve. There is also a very powerful hour that is held on this day. It's the International Hour For Peace and it's from 4:45 am to 6:15 am. It's early, but you won't be alone. Millions of people around the world pause for this time. It's been going on for decades. You can attend in Fort Collins at the Unity Church or in Loveland at Namaqua Unitarian Universalist Church.

International Hour For Peace
Thursday, December 31st, 2015, 4:45 to 6:15 A.M.
(That's Noon Greenwich Mean Time and for us, really, really early Thursday morning!)

Join area residents and millions of people all over the planet to create Inner Peace and World Peace for 2016!
Celebrate the 60th anniversary of “The Peace Song” and the 70th anniversary of the United Nations.
All peacemakers and all paths to peace, sacred and secular, are welcome and honored!


Fort Collins Main Event
Unity Church of Fort Collins
1401 West Vine Drive
(First stoplight West of Shields, South Side of Vine)
970-482-1620, office@unityfc.org


Loveland Event
Namaqua Unitarian Universalist Church
745 East 5th Street, Loveland
(NW Corner of 5th & Pierce, 1 block North of Chilson Center)


Community events include the John Randolph Price World Healing Meditation,
along with music, prayers, speakers, and information from
a wide variety of local faith, humanitarian, and peace groups.



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