The City of Fort Collins is offering a food tax rebate, but time is running out to get your money. As the deadline approaches get the details and get your money.

Fort Collins Food Tax Rebate ThinkStock
Fort Collins Food Tax Rebate ThinkStock

With a program that is designed to help lower income individuals, families and seniors the City of Fort Collins says it's not too late to apply for the food tax rebate.

Qualified individuals could receive the monies paid in sales tax towards food purchasing in the previous year.  Determination is made on the household income and could mean up to $56 per household member.

The deadline is a week from today on Halloween, Oct. 31, 2014.


The City also offers rebates for utilities and rent OR property tax paid during the previous year (2013). These are available to people who are aged 65 years or older, OR who are disabled, AND who meet the income


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