Here’s one thing I know (and yes, it may be the only thing); nothing is ever gained by waiting to go to the doctor. Whether it’s a routine screening or you suspect there might be something wrong; nothing is ever gained by waiting. Do yourself a favor. Get in there.

Maybe I should clarify. Nothing is ever gained medically by waiting to go to the doctor. Sure, you might save some money by waiting it out, but medically speaking, “early good, waiting bad.” Very often, the difference between early and late is the difference between a routine fix, and something much more complicated (and dangerous). I understand the tendency to wait, to put things off. Don’t do it. If something does turn out to be wrong, you don’t want to be kicking yourself for not going in earlier. What’s the worst that can happen by going in early? Having the doc tell you that nothing’s seriously wrong with you. That is not bad news!

As the bumper sticker on my old truck used to say: “What’s up your butt? Find Out. Get screened early.”

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