The Colorado Democratic State Assembly is going on this weekend in Loveland. Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton won’t be there. But what IF she were in town, and had to suffer through this ‘Stormzilla’? How would SHE pass the time? We have a pretty good idea.

Jeff Swensen, Getty Images

Imagine if Hillary Clinton was here with us during this April storm, known as ‘Stormzilla’? Would she be having cocktails? That’s a possibility..  But sooner or lady the former First Lady would probably get bored, and would need to find a way to pass the time while stuck indoors.

Would you vote that she’s playing Twister? No. Dungeons & Dragons? Most definitely not. She MIGHT want to play some Facebook Bingo, sure.  However, she was caught the other day, totally enjoying herself, playing a game that dates back to the 18th century.


Of course, dominoes!  It can be easy, but it takes some skill to pull off a win! Sounds like a presidential campaign game if I’ve ever heard one!  But WHICH game of dominoes?  Mexican Train? The Matador? Bendomino?

Maybe YOU can tell which game she’s excelling at in the video!

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