There will be a lunar eclipse on January 20th and Colorado State University is inviting the public to join them for a total lunar eclipse party enjoying views from different sized telescopes. This is an exciting year for eclipses as there are "fortnight" events occurring around eclipses. Not a reference to the video game, but rather a reference to a unit of time, happening within 2 weeks of eachother.

This event is free and open to the public and does not require a reservation!  January 20th from 8:30pm to 10:00pm at CSU Astronomy at the Madison-Macdonald Observatory 1251 East Drive, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521

According to

the full supermoon will pass through the Earth’s dark shadow on the night of January 20-21, 2019. It’ll stage the last total lunar eclipse until May 26, 2021. This total lunar eclipse will be visible from North and South America, plus much of Europe and Africa.

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