It seems like an awful lot sometimes. Her (childless) friends don’t understand and her husband thinks she’s nuts.

mom and babies

I was thinking about this the other day when Colton needed a ride to school. As I prepared to awake from my slumber an hour earlier than normal, I thought to myself-what are you doing? I followed the thought with a little talk to myself about how he could take the bus. I continued working this out in my head and presenting all the arguments against me taking him to school. When the conversation to myself had ended, I came to some sound realizations that made a lot of sense to me. Realizations that motivate me today as they did 20 years ago.

When a mother mothers her children she does so, in part, out of obligation and because it feels good and right. It is our responsibility to assure that they are cared for nutritionally and emotionally. The rest is the journey of parenthood.

I do what I do for my children not because I feel I have to, I do so and selfishly I say, because it makes my heart warm. There will be plenty of days in this life of mine where they will all have their own lives. That day for me is not that far off. My children range from nearly 24 to almost 16 (my boys b-days are May 5th and 6th-exactly 8 years and 1 day apart) When that day comes I will be wrapped up in my own hobbies and they in their own families. I don’t doubt that we will always be close, but there comes a time when each must live their own day to day lives. Soon, I will no longer get to pack their lunches (amazing that I still get to with a sophomore and junior) and Colton won’t need a ride anywhere. Without a doubt my “hey mom can you help me with my Algebra 2″ or “mom I don’t understand my new lease, will you look at it” moments are coming to a close. In less I have raised boomerang kids, which I am pretty confident in saying I haven’t.

We, moms, do what we do because we know that this part of our lives is just that-’a part of our lives’. We won’t be needed like this forever by our children, thankfully and tearfully so. This job of parenting has so many different dimensions. Love it, h-a-t-e it and linger somewhere in between-it all comes with the territory. And not too many moms would have missed it for the world. We do extreme things for our kids and some look at us like we are giving too much or sacrificing more than is expected, but when you’re a mom nothing beats the look in their eyes, the laugh from their bellies and the sincerity in their hugs.

Motherhood is only a moment in our lives and while we bask in that moment you don’t have to approve or understand just sit back and enjoy this life, because your mom likely did the same.

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