The Farmers Market at Fairground Park is hosting this event- Not only will you have a chef help you pick out the right food, but you'll cook with her too!

Fairgrounds Park in Loveland is great- especially the Farmers Market that runs from late June to the end of September. It's a real 'hometown' thing to do. Added to the schedule this year is 'Shop with a Chef' on September 9, 2018.

For $40 Chef Sapna will guide you through the market and help you gather the ingredients for Fresh Fall Salads and Wraps. Once purchased, you'll head over to the Chilson Recreation Center's kitchen in Downtown Loveland, where Chef will show you how to prepare the dishes.

It sounds like a great way to get a 'fresh' take on your menus heading into the fall!

It's limited to 15 participants that day, so get a friend and get signed up HERE!


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