You have the day off, what are you going to do with it?  We're on our 45th President as a nation- that says a lot! Why not celebrate Presidents’ Day by visiting our choices for some POTUS DRINKUS!

5 Outside-the-Bottle Gift Ideas for Drinkers

What a great country this is! We get a day off to celebrate each of the Presidents we've had! Well, HOPEFULLY, you get the day off...

Back in the day, a friend of mine and I would look forward to Presidents’ Day; if only for the fact we would have a ton of fun going into Chili’s and ordering the Presidente Margarita!

I got to thinking, ‘There are probably at least of few other establishments that would fit the bill..’ So, I sat down and came up with seven spots around Loveland and Fort Collins for you to celebrate, if not our CURRENT President, your FAVORITE President!

I did call all seven of these establishments, and they will ALL be OPEN on Presidents' Day! Please drive safe, and God Bless America!

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