My wife's rate of growth through her pregnancy has increased at a rate that is alarming some.

Not the doctors. They just say that she is a bit ahead of schedule. For Sarah, since she's never conceived, gestated, or helped another human grow in her abdomen, it was a bit alarming.

Last week, before her appointment, she said she was going to ask the doctors if they were sure she was only at 24 weeks, because, well, she felt bigger than that.

Way bigger than that.

As it turns out, she was a bit ahead of schedule. They tried every way they could think of to explain it, including making her a bit nervous for no reason by indicating it could be gestational diabetes (she took that test later, it came back negative).

I chalked it up to individuality. My baby isn't going to do everything by the book. Sometimes, it will grow quickly. Then, it may chill a bit and let those weeks catch back up. I'm confident all will even out in the end.

But Sarah is having trouble wrapping her head around the fact that she is supposed to have more than three plus months of growth ahead of her.


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