My nutrition is an issue.

This is surprising to some, because I'm not overweight. Well, overweight people don't have the 'I-have-some-big-changes-to-make-for-my-own-good' idea all to themselves. Food problems come in lots of shapes and sizes.

After meeting with Amy, my nutritionist from Miramont Lifestyle Fitness through the Dare to Lose program, we determined that the problem with my diet lies in the fact that I don't set aside enough time to ingest the amount of quality calories that I need.

I just get too excited with the day and I don't want to slow down to eat! Not surprising. What I do is very high energy. When I am in the studio, things move really fast.

Then the rest of my day is either spent meeting with great clients and coming up with creative ideas, working on my book (Stranded in a Snowstorm due November 2014), or enjoying the beautiful Colorado outdoors.

The result is that I either don't eat enough food.

Amy gave me great suggestions, and one of them has become my breakfast pretty much every day. It is gluten and dairy free, and contains ingredients that will give me strong energy. It should go without saying that higher quality ingredients will yield better energy and results. I go as non-GMO and organic as I can. Plus, I save money by buying these products in bulk.

Very simple...

1-1 1/2 cup oats, raw
Dried fruit of your choice
Handful of ground or chopped nuts
fresh fruit can be added when you are ready to eat it
1 tbsp chia

Put the oats, chia, nuts, and dried fruit into a tupperware container and pour almond, coconut, rice or other milk in to cover the oats with a thin layer of liquid. Refrigerate. Eat it the next morning.

It's just that simple.  This is a 300-500 calorie breakfast that is very tasty, and very healthy.

And it is just so easy!

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