Ever wonder what your neighbors or people in other cities near you are searching for on Google? Maybe it's you searching for sandals, crocs, or worse-- private part enlargement.

eStately has answered this question for us with some funny and alarming results. Here are a few of them:

ALASKA:  Nicolas Cage / outhouse

ARKANSAS:  Lunchables / Is Obama Muslim? / Hotel California chords / Hotel California lyrics / “19 Kids and Counting” (reality TV show) / “Toddlers and Tiaras” (reality TV show) / Josh Duggar

COLORADO:  Vape pen / Crocs (the shoes) / Men’s rights / Men’s rights movement - Um, really Colorado?

GEORGIA:   Herpes / divorce lawyer / meth recipe / “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” (reality TV show) / athlete’s foot / Will the South rise again?

INDIANA:  How big is average? / Arby’s / Jared Fogle / Where is Syria? / Where is Africa? / free tattoo ideas / white civil rights

MISSISSIPPI:  Gonorrhea / chlamydia / feet photos (image search) / penis enlargement / male enhancement / R. Kelly (musical performer) / Aryan Brotherhood / Blind Melon (band)

NEW HAMPSHIRE:  Pajama jeans

Want more? Check them all out here.

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