This is the time of year we all reflect and give thanks, so I thought I'd do the same.

As we get older it seems that we come to appreciate those things which before might have not seemed as important in the past.

I am extremely grateful this Thanksgiving.

First on my list is; that I still have my parents. Both are in their 80's and have been through many health issues in the past couple of years. But they keep hanging in there and I'm thrilled-thankful that I'll be spending Christmas with them in Florida, this year, something I haven't been able to do for far too long.

We are a tight knit family in spite of the distance. I have no brothers or sisters and don't really know any of my other relatives, because of the amount of moving we did as I was growing up. Yes, I'm a military brat.

Another tight knit family is that of my co-workers that I am extremely thankful for being able to spend time with each day. Brian, Todd, Beano, and Shawn all do morning shows on our other stations across from me. It takes a different breed of person to rise this early and entertain and inform each morning. This is the finest group of broadcasters I have ever worked with in my forty years of pursuing this career path. I am so honored to have their ear and confidence every day.

That being said, I'm not sure what path my life would have taken had I not met Susan Moore and developed the friendship and show that we've enjoyed together for the better part of two decades. Susan has been there to see both the best and worst of me, and has been supportive the entire way. We've experienced loves lost and friends lost. For that, I will be eternally grateful and thankful.

And finally; I am thankful that I have you, our listeners. Without an audience my experience in this life would have been much less satisfying. I have made so many friends along this journey thanks to this job. It certainly has never felt like a job though. It is a joy to be granted this opportunity each day.

I hope you understand my genuine sentiments in telling you, that you, the people, I get to speak to everyday, really do make up for a significant portion of my daily thoughts. We may have never met, but that does not mean that I ever take our relationship for granted. I see it as an almost sacred responsibility to communicate with you honestly each and everyday. I never under estimate the power of words.

Enjoy time with family and friends and a heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving!

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