Ok, there are just some things we’ll never see eye to eye on. I get it, and I’m fine with it. Just please don’t hurt me for what I am about to say. Why do we feel the need to “punish” the person who decides to merge at the last moment when approaching a lane closure in a construction zone?

Right lane closed one mile ahead. (We start moving to the left immediately.) Right lane closed 1/2 mile ahead. (There is now a three mile line of cars in the left lane that have already merged, leaving the right lane empty.) Right lane closed 500 feet. (We have now been in the three mile long left lane line for seventeen minutes. Right lane still empty.) And then it happens…

Some clown comes flying by in the right lane, all the way up to the merge sign, EXPECTING one of us rule following, over-achieving, inside-the-box thinking, line leaders to just give up what we have worked so hard for and let him in. How dare he? Who does he think he is? What kind of animal acts that way? What planet is he from? Kids, cover you ears!

I have question. What difference would it make if instead of a three mile long line in the left lane, there were two 1-and-a half mile long lines in each lane? I’m just sayin’. Couldn’t we all merge at that point? Right, left, right, left. Seems like it would work too. Not that one way is better than the other, just that there is usually more than one way to go about something.

So the next time you are in the three mile long, socially accepted line…take a moment and salute the brave soul who scoots past in the other lane. Better yet, I double-dog dare you to join them. Really…be crazy! And show the rest of the world you are willing to be different, not bad (although I’m sure it will feel like you’re committing a felony), just different. And be prepared to sit for a while counting cars that are not willing to celebrate your free spirit.

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