Is this bad form? That is an unrequested newspaper. I never signed up for it, I didn't check any box. In fact, I believe this is coming from a company that I called three times to have them stop throwing things onto my driveway. It's hard to tell because after the recent rains, that paper has turned to sludge. When I walk by and see that, it makes me feel like an actual company is littering right in my yard. Picking that thing up after 4 days of rain is not pleasant.

I don't want it to seem like I'm not in favor of a free press. Newspaper writers are a staple of our American Democracy. A literate public is a key to an advancing society. Groups of great investigators and writers frame the world around us and let us know many things. They make us aware what is happening with factual reporting,  starting debate as they help to put the topics in front of us. Knowing the issues is the beginning of forming an opinion. That opinion leads to a vote. I believe the newspaper writers are a part of the news bedrock that makes democracy possible, and I pray that they never go away.

That doesn't mean that it's okay to just toss something into my yard. I know where to find these great writers when I need them. Besides that, the paper they are throw at me isn't even a paper filled with their best hard news. It's like a teaser paper that is 80% ads and coupons.

We are all reacting to the transition to an almost completely digital world. Many media formats have to change so much that they will look nothing like they did before digital became so prevalent. And soon, they may stop throwing things into my yard.

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