I was looking through my latest issue of Cosmo Magazine, :) when I ran across this list. It's a list of the things that men will never understand about women.

Ladies, did Cosmo get it right? Comment below..


* She thinks it's fair that he sleeps alone because he didn't notice she'd gotten a haircut.
* She want's to kiss and schmooze and then not have sex.
* She orders a huge salad with low-fat dressing, then eats steak and french fries from his plate.
* Why she cares whether or not laundry is folded.
* Why she wants to know everything about his ex-girlfriends but not wanting to meet them.
* Going from crazy-screaming mad to weepy to icy calm in the space of 60 seconds.
* She can watch one channel and just stay there, even through the commercials.
* The concept of nighttime outfits and daytime outfits.
* The fact that she can't wash her face and body with the same kind of soap.
* If she's having a fight on the phone and hangs up on him, he's the jerk if he doesn't call right back.
* Her having more to say after sex.
* She feels fat when she's gained 2 pounds.
* It isn't enough just to ask what she wants for her birthday.
* The idea of buying a raincoat that can't get wet, a winter coat that isn't warm, shoes that aren't comfortable and panty hose that run.
* Doing a full makeup job when she's only going out for a loaf of bread.
* She can't wear the same dress to her office Christmas party two years in a row.
* How she can not be in the mood for sex.

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