Christmas season isn't much unlike any other season, but sometimes things get a bit more frazzled and frustrating in a woman's life. Here is a great relationship communication reminder for men. Consider it an early Christmas present.

Christmas Relationships ThinkStock
Christmas Relationships ThinkStock


  • Fine never means fine, she uses it only when she knows that she is right and she just wants you to shut-up
  • When she says NOTHING, she means SOMETHING. She is likely playing it out in her head before laying it on you
  • If you've argued/debated about something you want to do and she finally says "Go
    Ahead" this is not to be taken as permission, she is essentially daring you to and will be lying in wait for you when you have gone ahead and done it
  • Whatever simply means you're an idiot and she just doesn't want to deal with your dumbness anymore
  • Remember that "It's Okay" will almost always come back in some form of woman witchery and bite your bottom, be aware of this seemingly simple phrase

The best thing to do when she is running around to find the perfect gift for your siblings and/or mother, wrapping the kids gifts, cooking/ordering dinner, going to work, cleaning, doing laundry, agreeing to bring two dishes to Christmas dinner and reminding you that your tie doesn't go with that shirt or your boxers won't clean themselves (put them in the hamper) is agree to everything, smile and most importantly, stay out of her way.

Happy Holidays!!!!

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